Alternative Fuels: Fuel That’s Good For You

Alternative Fuels: Fuel That’s Good For You


If you’ve ever had to fill up your car, you know how expensive it can be. And if you live in a city with a higher than average cost of living, driving can be an even bigger budget buster. But there’s another way: Alternative fuels reduce emissions, save money on fuel, and improve air quality for everyone. In this article we’ll take a look at five different types of alternative fuel vehicles (AFV) that are available today—and what they have to offer both drivers and the planet.

Alternative Fuels: Fuel That’s Good For You

What Is Alternative Fuel?

Alternative fuels are those that are not derived from petroleum. They’re considered to be renewable and sustainable, and can include ethanol, biodiesel, hydrogen, natural gas and electricity. Some of these fuels can be used in existing vehicles–for example electric cars or buses–but others require new engines and infrastructure changes to make them viable for mass adoption.


Biodiesel is an alternative fuel that can be used in any diesel engine. It’s made from vegetable oil, animal fat, or recycled cooking oil. Biodiesel is a renewable energy source that helps reduce greenhouse gases and our dependence on foreign oil.

Biodiesel fuel does not need to be blended with petroleum-based diesel fuel because it has similar characteristics as petroleum-based diesel fuel: It can be used in any type of vehicle that uses diesel engines (cars, trucks and buses).


CNG is a fossil fuel, which means it’s made from natural gas. It’s also known as compressed natural gas (CNG) and stored gaseous methane.

CNG is used as a transportation fuel in buses, cars, trucks and forklifts. It’s also used to power generators that provide electricity for homes and businesses; heating systems for large buildings such as hospitals or malls; cooling systems for warehouses storing perishable goods like produce; cooking stoves in developing countries where wood fires are common; refrigeration units on trucks carrying food products across long distances; ambulances that need extra energy due to heavy loads or frequent stops on their routes–the list goes on!

Electric Vehicles

Electric vehicles are powered by an electric motor, which means they’re quieter and more efficient than conventional vehicles. However, they’re also more expensive to purchase, so you’ll need to weigh your budget against the benefits of going green.

Electric vehicles can be charged at home or at public charging stations using a standard outlet. If you have solar panels installed on your roof (or plan on installing them), then this is another option for recharging your car’s battery pack with free electricity from the sun!


Ethanol is a type of alcohol that can be used as an alternative fuel. It’s made from corn or other crops, and it’s renewable, clean burning fuel that can be blended with gasoline to make E85 (85{a5ecc776959f091c949c169bc862f9277bcf9d85da7cccd96cab34960af80885} ethanol). Ethanol has a lower energy content than gasoline and therefore yields fewer miles per gallon when used alone in internal combustion engines. However, when blended with traditional fuels like gasoline or diesel — which helps reduce emissions — it offers many benefits:

  • It reduces dependence on foreign oil because it’s produced domestically;
  • It improves air quality by reducing emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide;
  • It provides farmers with new markets for their crops;

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles

Fuel cell vehicles are a type of electric vehicle that use hydrogen as their fuel source. They have a fuel cell stack, which converts hydrogen and oxygen into electricity to power the vehicle. The only byproduct of this process is water vapor, making them much cleaner than conventional gasoline-powered internal combustion engines (ICE).

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are currently being tested in California, where most have been used for public transit applications such as busses and taxis since 2008.

Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG)

LPG is a clean burning fuel that can be used in cars, buses and trucks. LPG can be made from natural gas or propane, butane or other hydrocarbons. It’s often used as an alternative to diesel or gasoline because it’s more efficient than traditional fossil fuels.

LPG isn’t readily available at every gas station like gasoline is; you’ll need to find one that sells it before you fill up on your LPG-powered vehicle (or ask a friend who already has one). However, if you do find a place with LPG available for purchase and use–and if you’re willing to pay more for this type of fuel–you may notice some benefits over standard petroleum products:

With the right type of fuel, your car can become much cleaner and more efficient.

Alternative fuels are not only good for your car, they’re also good for you. Many of them reduce carbon dioxide emissions and improve air quality, while others can help you save money on fuel costs.

The most common types of alternative fuel include:

  • Compressed natural gas (CNG) – this type of liquid is made by compressing methane gas into a liquid state so it can be stored in tanks or cylinders and used as an energy source in place of gasoline or diesel fuel. It’s cheaper than gasoline but more expensive than diesel, so it’s usually only used as an alternative when there aren’t any other options available.
  • Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) – also known as propane or butane, LPG consists mainly of hydrocarbons separated from crude oil during refining processes with different boiling points from regular gasoline; these components are then processed further into their final form before being sold commercially at stations where people fill up their cars’ tanks with them instead (or sometimes along with) traditional fossil fuels such as coal tar pitch mixed together into “black smoke”–a thick black substance left behind after burning wood logs which produces enough heat energy needed keep fires burning hot enough long enough until they’ve finally died down completely without any need whatsoever extra help beyond simply adding more logs onto existing ones every once awhile throughout day long cycle until done.”


We hope that this article has helped you understand the many types of alternative fuels that are available. We also encourage you to consider what type would be best for your car and lifestyle. If you have any questions about this topic, please contact us at (888) 555-1234 or visit our website at